Vintage Computers

As a hobby of mine, I enjoy experimenting with projects using my vintage computers to revive their original state of operation that was possible back then and even tinker with some new applications today.

Some of the current projects
  • IMSAI Basic in Rom
    I took the original source code from my IMSAI documentation(paper) and assembled this into a Rom image with a patch to make it compatible for my serial port card.
  • S-100 CP/M system
    I'm currently trying to install CP/M on a S-100 system from the ground up, using a "Frankenstein" system of cards, not a very common situation. The process learned from the CP/M workshop, together with Rich Cini of the Altair32 project held at the Wilmington Hackerspace, should help let others ease into building their own CP/M system using original hardware.
  • S-100 Color video graphics
    This is one of  my favorite projects that has been on the backburner for years. This is a design using as much vintage components to revive the color graphics for the S-100 systems.
  • Commodore 64 Twitter App
    This project was made by Johan van den Brande which uses a C64 and an ethernet cartridge to acces the internet and send Tweets directly from the computer. A fully dedicated Twitter App running on a C64

=Dan Roganti